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Unit 3 - South Africa

Ready to learn about South Africa? Watch the video below. 

South Africa Video Here

Let's Get Started!
Activity 1 - Intro Question and Answers


Watch the video. 

Activity 2 - Vocabulary - Word Search 

Did you learn some new words from the video? Try this quiz! 

Activity 3 - Speaking and Listening - Gap Fill


Do you remember how to say those words? It's time to practice your Speaking, Listening, and Pronunciation Skills!

Activity 4 - Grammar Lesson - Simple Future
Activity 5 - Now it's your turn!


Choose a South African place, person, or thing - search the Internet for some information. What did you find?


Can you find more information about South Africa? You might find some information about different cities, things, or people. What happens if you search for ... 

- Cape Town

- Nelson Mandela

- South African giraffes

Once you have done some research, discuss with your teacher what kind of project you would like to do to show what you are interested in and have learned about. This could be an oral, or a poster, or could be done by making your own website or video to share!

Unit Song - Closing

We hope you enjoyed your time with South Africa! 

Here's a song to sing with your teacher and classmates. 

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